Investment Management for UK Commercial Property Portfolios. We specialise in secure, long term, indexed property income for pension funds, charities and investment trusts.
Where and How we invest
Value Driven
OLIM Property invests in commercial property across all four nations of the United Kingdom, but rarely in London where the yields are low and lot sizes high.
Forward Thinking
We pioneered institutional investment in the ‘Alternative’ property sectors which provide 20 year plus leases with indexation to reduce open market rent review risk and lock in substantial long-term yield premia over index-linked and conventional bonds.
Faster Decisions Drive Outperformance and Determine Deal Flows
As discretionary fund managers we add value by stock selection and our unique buying and selling process in a highly inefficient market. We perform quickly on both single investment properties and portfolios ranging from £1 million to £100 million, often completing five days from first being offered the deal. We see an exceptional flow of investments before our competitors, both direct from property owners and through agents needing certainty and speed. To outperform, property investors must now continuously renew, refresh and reposition their portfolios. Over the five years to end June 2024 we have bought 62 properties for £268 million and sold 130 properties for £534 million, disposing of all our shops, increasing our holdings of industrials, supermarkets and a whole variety of investments in other sectors, and maintaining our portfolios weighted average unexpired lease length of over 14 years.